
Myers Park Day Camp

Myers Park Day Camp is a summer camp for kids ages K-12, managed by The Town of Lansing. With a little over 100 kids every year, the camp is very popular and loved by the community. I have worked at the camp for 2 years. This has been my favorite job for multiple reasons. I was able to pickup up hours, often working overtime earning money doing something I loved. Working with kids was rewarding, improved my patience, leadership skills, I felt like I was impacting the lives of the kids in a positive way. I also loved being able to work outside at our beautiful hometown park. What I mainly took away from this job was that if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. 

Bovay Laboratory Complex Thurston Hall 

About Bovay Laboratory Complex 

I was offered a full time summer job in the Bovey Laboratory at Cornell University directly under the Lab Manager, Jim Strait. I will be a temporary lab assistant as a student worker once I finish high school. I will be collecting experimental data and performing calculations on computer software. I will be performing and learning testing methods. assisting with daily care for research samples, and cleaning the lab and tools.  I will also be collecting laboratory waste for disposal.

Moores Tree Farm

Moore's Tree Farm  was my first real job. I worked in a field of pine trees de-coning for 3 hours every day after school. The Moore's are amazing, hardworking people and I loved working for them. They sell Christmas trees to the whole town and have recently opened a pumpkin patch that is very popular in the community. 

The Fields 

My job was to go into a field alone and go from row to row and remove about 60 seeds from each tree that were upright on the branches. Then go to the next field of pine trees and do the same.  If the seeds grew it would make the tree ugly and not appealing to costumers. This job trained me in pesticide safety. After working the whole season, I realized I enjoyed working outside and having time alone but I also realized that a job with one repetitive task becomes boring. I enjoy jobs that are more challenging and with more diverse tasks

Home Projects 

Most of my home projects are helping out family with construction projects.

Uncle's House 

When my uncle decided to live on our family's old farm land, he lived in a mobile home for several years and decided he wanted to build a home for his family. I assisted him in building a 3 story house. I learned a lot about wood work and house construction that summer. Overall, the construction took around 5 months.

Freestall Barn 

My other uncle had a barn fire  so my family spent a lot of time helping him re-build his farm. This project was a ton of fun and was my introduction into construction work.